Are You Struggling to Find DA Forms To Download And Fill? Find The Answer Here!

Filling out DA forms can be a daunting task, especially when you’re unsure where to find the right ones. You’re not alone in this struggle. Many people spend hours searching online, only to come up empty-handed or with outdated forms. But what if you could access accurate, up-to-date, and easily fillable DA forms in just a few clicks? Your search ends here. In this post, we’ll guide you through the process of finding and filling out DA forms with ease, saving you time and frustration.

Find DA Forms

Key Takeaways:

  • Convenience: Finding DA forms to download and fill can be a struggle, but DAFormFillable.Com provides a convenient solution by offering a wide range of downloadable and fillable forms.
  • Time-Saving: By visiting DAFormFillable.Com, you can save time and effort that would be spent searching for the right forms, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.
  • Easy Access: DAFormFillable.Com provides easy access to a variety of DA forms, making it a one-stop-shop for all your form needs.
  • Accuracy: The fillable forms on DAFormFillable.Com ensure accuracy and reduce the risk of errors, which is crucial when dealing with official documents.
  • Reliable Source: DAFormFillable.Com is a reliable source for DA forms, providing you with the confidence that you’re using the correct and up-to-date forms.

The Struggle is Real

In terms of finding DA forms to download and fill, you’re not alone in your frustration. Many people face the same challenges, and it’s vital to acknowledge the struggles you’re facing.

Frustration with Finding DA Forms

For those who have tried to find DA forms online, you know how difficult it can be. You’ve likely spent hours searching through countless websites, only to come up empty-handed or with incomplete forms.

Wasting Time on Unreliable Sources

One of the most significant obstacles you’ll encounter is unreliable sources. You may think you’ve found a legitimate website, but upon closer inspection, you realize it’s outdated, incorrect, or even malicious.

Struggle to find trustworthy sources is real. You’ve wasted valuable time and energy on websites that promise the world but deliver nothing but frustration. You’ve scrolled through endless search results, clicked on dubious links, and downloaded suspicious files, only to be left with more questions than answers. This is not only frustrating but also potentially dangerous, as you risk exposing your personal information to unauthorized parties. It’s vital to be cautious and avoid these unreliable sources at all costs.

What You Need to Know About DA Forms

Little do you know, DA forms play a crucial role in the military and defense sectors. Before plunging into the world of DA forms, it’s necessary to understand the basics.

Definition and Purpose

Necessity dictates that you comprehend the definition and purpose of DA forms. A DA form is a document used by the US Department of the Army to collect, record, and track information related to various military operations, personnel, and equipment. The primary purpose of these forms is to standardize data collection and ensure accuracy, making it easier to process and analyze information.

Types of DA Forms

You need to be aware of the diverse types of DA forms available. There are over 600 different forms, each serving a specific purpose. Some common examples include:

  • DA Form 31: Request and Authority for Leave
  • DA Form 67-9: Officer Evaluation Report
  • DA Form 1380: Record of Individual Performance of Reserve Duty Training
  • DA Form 5500: Fitness Report
  • DA Form 5501: Body Fat Content Worksheet

The information should be broken down into the following table:

Form Number Purpose
DA Form 31 Request and Authority for Leave
DA Form 67-9 Officer Evaluation Report
DA Form 1380 Record of Individual Performance of Reserve Duty Training
DA Form 5500 Fitness Report

With over 600 forms to choose from, it’s necessary to identify the correct form for your specific needs.

Types of DA forms vary widely, and understanding their purposes is crucial. For instance, DA Form 31 is used for requesting leave, while DA Form 67-9 is used for officer evaluations. Each form serves a unique purpose, and using the wrong form can lead to errors and delays.

  • DA Form 31 is used for requesting leave, ensuring that soldiers receive the necessary time off.
  • DA Form 67-9 is used for officer evaluations, providing a comprehensive assessment of an officer’s performance.

The correct use of DA forms is vital, and understanding their purposes is the first step.

Importance of Accurate Information

About to fill out a DA form? Make sure you provide accurate information. Inaccurate or incomplete information can lead to delays, errors, and even security breaches.

Know that accurate information is crucial when filling out DA forms. A single mistake can have significant consequences, such as delayed promotions, incorrect pay, or even security clearance issues. It’s necessary to double-check your information and ensure that it’s accurate and complete.

For downloadable and fillable DA forms, visit DAFormFillable.Com. With the right resources and knowledge, you’ll be able to navigate the world of DA forms with ease.

The Solution You’ve Been Looking For

For those who have been struggling to find DA forms to download and fill, the search is finally over.

Introducing DAFormFillable.Com

One platform that stands out from the rest is DAFormFillable.Com, a dedicated website that offers a comprehensive collection of downloadable and fillable DA forms.

Benefits of Using DAFormFillable.Com

Solution to your DA form woes lies in using DAFormFillable.Com, which provides easy access to accurate and up-to-date forms, saving you time and effort.

The benefits of using DAFormFillable.Com don’t stop there. With this platform, you can fill out forms online and print or download them as needed, eliminating the need for tedious manual filling. Moreover, the website ensures secure and reliable storage of your forms, giving you peace of mind. By using DAFormFillable.Com, you can streamline your workflow, reduce errors, and increase productivity.

How to Download and Fill DA Forms

Despite the challenges you may face in finding DA forms, filling them out correctly is crucial for your military career. In this section, we will guide you through the process of downloading and filling out DA forms.

Step-by-Step Guide

To download and fill DA forms, follow these simple steps: you can visit websites like DAFormFillable.Com, which offers a wide range of downloadable and fillable DA forms. From there, select the form you need, download it, and fill it out accordingly.

Form Number Description
DA Form 2-1 Personnel Qualification Record
DA Form 31 Request and Authority for Leave
DA Form 67-9 Officer Evaluation Report

Tips for Filling Out DA Forms Correctly

One crucial aspect of filling out DA forms is ensuring accuracy and completeness. Here are some tips to help you fill out DA forms correctly:

  • Read instructions carefully before filling out the form.
  • Use black ink to fill out the form.
  • Be concise and clear in your answers.
  • Double-check your work for errors and omissions.

Knowing these tips will help you avoid common mistakes and ensure your DA forms are filled out correctly.

Understanding the importance of accuracy and completeness when filling out DA forms cannot be overstated. Inaccurate or incomplete forms can lead to delays or even rejection, which can negatively impact your military career. By following these tips, you can ensure your DA forms are filled out correctly and efficiently.

  • Take your time when filling out the form.
  • Seek help if you’re unsure about any section.
  • Keep a copy of the completed form for your records.

Knowing these additional tips will help you fill out DA forms with confidence and accuracy.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Not knowing the common mistakes to avoid when searching for DA forms can lead to frustration and wasted time. Make sure you’re aware of these common pitfalls to ensure a smooth process.

Incomplete or Inaccurate Information

With so many forms to choose from, it’s easy to overlook crucial details. Ensure you provide complete and accurate information when filling out your DA forms, as incomplete or inaccurate submissions can lead to delays or even rejection.

Using Outdated Forms

One of the most critical mistakes you can make is using outdated DA forms. These forms may not comply with current regulations, which can result in serious consequences, including fines or legal action.

Inaccurate or outdated forms can put your entire process at risk. That’s why it’s imperative to use the most recent versions of DA forms, available at reputable sources like DAFormFillable.Com. By doing so, you can ensure compliance with current regulations and avoid potential pitfalls. Note, using outdated forms is not worth the risk – always prioritize accuracy and compliance.

Additional Resources

Keep in mind that finding the right DA forms is just the first step. To ensure you’re filling them out correctly and efficiently, it’s vital to have access to reliable resources and information.

DA Form FAQs

Any questions or concerns you may have about DA forms can be answered through the official Army website or other trusted sources. You can find detailed guides, tutorials, and FAQs that cover everything from filling out forms to submitting them correctly.

Related Documents and Forms

With a vast array of DA forms available, it’s crucial to understand which ones you need and how to use them. From DA Form 31 (Request and Authority for Leave) to DA Form 5500 (Body Fat Content Worksheet), having access to related documents and forms can help you streamline your workflow and reduce errors.

This section is particularly useful for those who need to manage multiple forms or require additional documentation to support their requests. By having a comprehensive understanding of related documents and forms, you can ensure that your submissions are complete and accurate, reducing the risk of delays or rejections.

Recall, for downloadable and fillable DA forms, visit DAFormFillable.Com.

Summing up

On the whole, finding the right DA forms to download and fill can be a daunting task. But now, you know the solution. You’ve got a reliable resource at your fingertips – DAFormFillable.Com. No more scouring the internet or dealing with complicated paperwork. With this website, you can access a wide range of downloadable and fillable DA forms, making it easy to manage your military paperwork efficiently.

What is DTS Army?

What is DTS Army

Department of Defense (DoD) military and civilian personnel can book official travel and manage travel expenses. For this reason, access to the DTS Army is a requirement. Are you one of those who have difficulty accessing the DTS Army? Below, we’ll walk you through the steps to sign up and activate DTS Army.

What is DTS Army?

Defense Travel System (DTS) Army is a fully integrated, end-to-end electronic travel management system that automates DoD temporary duty (TDY) travel. It enables travelers to authorize, book, obtain permits, generate refund vouchers, and pay bank account and Government Travel Charge Card (GTTC) providers from a single web portal.

DTS is available 24 hours a day.

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Overview DTS Army [904.11 KB]

How do I Create a DTS Account?

Before the DTS Army creates an account, have your organization’s current DTS POC available if you’re using DTS as a member of the military. Then, reset your user ID. This helps create your AF Reserve profile. Next, follow the steps below to create a DTS account.

Users without an existing DTS profile can enroll themselves the first time they log on to the system. To register with DTS, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your computer and open Internet Explorer. Make sure the CAC is in her CAC reader.
  • Go to his DTS home page at or type “DTS” into a web search engine. The DTS home page is shown below.
  • Check that you are in compatibility mode by checking for the torn paper-like icon at the end of the web address bar (circled in the image below). A shaded (blue or gray) background is required. If not, click the icon to switch to compatibility mode. If you don’t see the icon, your operating system is already in compatibility mode.

How do I Create a DTS Account - 01

  • Click “Log In” in the large blue box near the top of the DTS Home Page.

How do I Create a DTS Account - 02

  • Next, you will see the DoD Privacy and Ethics Policy. Read the policy and select Agree. Select Deny to return to the DTS home page.

How do I Create a DTS Account - 03

  • Once accepted, a dialog box will appear asking you to select your DTS Army certificate. So, you have to select a valid certificate and click OK.

How do I Create a DTS Account - 04

  • Now, you have officially entered the DTS, as shown below.

How do I Create a DTS Account - 05

DTS Self-Registration Instructions (Available Download in PDF)

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DTS Self-Registration Instructions [1.04 MB]

How to Login DTS Army

To log in to DTS, you must have an active DTS profile. Therefore, you should contact your local Defense Travel Administrator to facilitate the sign-up process. You can contact DTA using the contact information available online at:

A few things happen when you log in:

  • DTS finds valid accounts registered by surname and social security number. When DTS finds a registered and valid account, DTS provides the account with a User ID. This allows the system to log in without rechecking the name and SSN.
  • DTS was unable to find an account registered with your name and SSN. Or DTS found your account, but it’s not active. In this case, perform self-registration and enable the DTS profile.
  • An error occurred that prevented DTS from creating the account. For example, DTA and CAC certificates registered with DTS have different names.

If you get this error regardless of the error type, try again and sign in again. If the error persists, please contact DTA. Be sure to record the content of any DTS error messages that you receive to aid in troubleshooting.

DTS will block access if you enter an incorrect CAC PIN three times. In such cases, you will need to contact the Local Registration Authority (LRA) or CAC office to initiate access.

How to Activate Your Own DTS Profile

If you attempt to log into DTS and DTS cannot find your registered account, or if your account is not active, DTS will display the Activate Account screen. As shown in the image below:

How to Activate Your Own DTS Profile

  • Enter your Social Security Number (SSN) and complete it in the field provided.
  • After that, check the box provided if you are in the Reserve or National Guard and would like to use the Reserve Component profile.
  • Then, click Activate Account.

After clicking Activate Account, you will be presented with two options depending on your issue:

  • If you already have a DTS account but are not active, DTS will automatically activate your account and display the toolbar. This way, you can go directly to the DTS Dashboard.
  • However, if you do not have a DTS account, you must register.

Accessing DTS: First-time Users

After you log into the DTS Dashboard, you will find four main features:

Accessing DTS - First-time Users

1. Login Information

Accessing DTS - Login Information

DTS displays the current system status in the upper right corner of the screen. In addition, there is a bell icon that can be used to display your organization’s notifications. An icon indicates the number of available alerts.

Your profile name appears next to the bell icon. You can view data such as your organization, organization access, and permission levels, update or reset your profile, and log out of your DTS.

2. Administrative Functions

The administration function is located at the top of the DTS screen and consists of five tools: Home, Travel, Travel Tools, Message Center, and Administration.

Accessing DTS - Administrative Functions

There are more entries in the “Travel” menu. First, Trips Awaiting Action are used to access documents in the routing process. Second, Traveler Lookup, which looks up other people’s travel documents.

Third, Cross Org Document Lookup is used to search for cross-organization-financed travel documents.

Next, the Traveler Tools menu has several derivative menus, such as Distance Calculator, Government Meal Rate Table, Mileage Rates Table, Per Diem Rate Lookup, Per Diem Rate Notes, And Routing Chain Lookup.

Further, Message Center provides access to DTS Travel News and DTS Notices.

Finally, Administration provides access to available administration tools. This menu is only available to Routing Officers and DTAs.

3. Quick Links

The DTS Dashboard has five shortcut tiles that lead to the same location using different tools. Your current DTS entitlement and access level determine which shortcuts appear on your screen. Traveler links are different from DTA links. These Quick Links are visible only on the DTS dashboard.

Accessing DTS - Quick Links

4. My Travel Documents

Accessing DTS - My Travel Documents

My Travel Documents contain three main areas:

  • Document types: Allow you to select the type of travel documents you want to display. Options include Authorizations, Vouchers, Local Vouchers, and Group Authorizations.
  • Document list: The documents you select in the document types will be displayed in the document list.
  • Document creation: This allows you to create new documents.

Trouble Logging into DTS? Check Your Pop-Up Blocker

Users of DTS have reported having problems logging onto the system due to technical difficulties. The pop-up blocker’s refusal to acknowledge DTS as a valid protocol is the root of many issues.

To fix the issue, you will need to add DTS to the list of sites that your pop-up blocker allows. If the website does not stay open for a sufficient amount of time for you to click the “Allow” button in the pop-up banner, it will be necessary to allow it via the settings manually.

The Pop-up Blocker Settings may be accessed in various ways, depending on your browser. You may find instructions for other browsers on the DTS Access page, which can be found at The instructions that are shown here are for Internet Explorer.

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer:

  1. To access the tools, use Alt+T.
  2. Choose the Pop-up Blocker option.
  3. Choose the settings for the Pop-up Blocker.
  4. Include the URL listed below in the list of sites that are permitted to be accessed: *

DTS Army Help Desk

The DTS Army Help Desk supports the Defense Travel System (DTS) and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The help desk can be reached by:

  • LIVE CHAT (available Mon-Fri 8 am – 6 pm ET except for federal holidays)
  • Create an online support desk ticket using TraX after logging in to Passport to access your account. (available 24/7)
  • Call: 1-888-Help-1-Go (1-888-435-7146) (available 24/7)